THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc.
THURSDAY--Nine days to Christmas and not all the shopping is yet done. Jude better make tracks this weekend.
Those of you who know Jude know that she talks to herself--ALOT! This can happen when she's alone, as well as with people who might not understand. She's been known to talk through ALL the voices of the characters she's writing about in the same conversation ie. meaning all the characters are present and carrying on a conversation, but Jude has no voice of her own. SCARY!
Jude, in her own defense--Sometimes the "voices" have some pretty good ideas.
WEDNESDAY--"Before Photo"--Yesterday we took the Nomad in for a little adjustment: A Fantastic-Fan that should keep us cooler while camping in the hot summers, as well as air out our cooking odors. Hopefully it will also keep the Nomad cool enough to take the Shadow Dog with us on some adventures witout him "baking".
Croc says, "I do love adventures. Could we have a little spaghetti sauce on that?"
WEDNESDAY--work in progress.
WEDNESDAY--Inside view of our new Fantastic-Fan.
WEDNESDAY--"After Photo"--David the owner of Vanco, who installed the new Fantastic-Fan, points out his quality work. WOW! The Adventure Crew is ready for a roadtrip to give the fan a whirl.
WEDNESDAY--If you look REALLY, REALLY hard you can see the new fan cover on the roof of the Nomad. Without looking very hard at all, you can imagine that the Nomad is getting a "free ride" on the top of a Bonnie Hubbard semi. Now the question of the day--How did the Nomad get up there?
WEDNESDAY--Sunset on another great day. The colors started out lemon, but by the time we made it to a clear view, the lemon had burned to gold.
THURSDAY--See our New Office!
Yesterday the Crew stopped by our local Quality Tune Up for a lube job on the Nomad. During the course, we were informed that the Nomad needed a new belt. The whole-smole one that keeps everything operating. While we waited for the necessary servicing, the Master and Jude escaped next door to McDonald's. They set up shop at a big booth with an electrical plug in. For the price of an orange juice, they had a semi-private office.
End of story? Not quite.
This morning, we needed to get Heather baby-not to work, but before we even got to the freeway, the Nomad's new belt from yesterday slipped off the derailer and shredded to pieces. We limped back to Quality, which tested Jude's muscles because there was no power steering (which is even harder than if there hadn't of been power steering in the first place). The Baby-not called one of her friends to get her to work and the Master and Jude went to their New Office while a derailer and new belt were installed. Three hours later the Crew went on a test drive. Hopefully (Oh no! An Adverb! We sincerely hope Stephen King doesn't read this post.), this repair will last.
The up-side of this story is that the Master and Jude have found another office away from office to frequent.