THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Wednesday, April 27, 2005



We decided to give MADDOGS a new look.
We've also decided to give The Crew an attitude change as well.

The New Attitude (Patty LaBelle) is this: LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE! Whoa, what kind of new concept is this? And since Jude thinks she needs to conserve $ for writing (pitching movies in Hollywood, writers' conferences to meet agents/publishers & making contacts) The Crew will support her by discovering Adventure where ever we are--which is what we really have been doing all along.

Today's adventure is taking The Master (computer) in for servicing.

Adventure is measured by the fun we have & the number of words Jude puts into her writing, not by the miles we put on The Nomad.

Monday, April 25, 2005



Somewhere on our MADDOG weekend wandering, Jude lost a bra. (Now you know why we can't trust her with reading a map and actually getting us there--read that as Jude is always LOST.) Now crazy images are conjured up--what now fills its reincarnated life?

--a duplex nesting pod for pelicans
--a swimcap for Siamese-connected-at-the-shoulder twin seagulls
--shark blindfold
--windsock for on-the-approach-for-landing birds
--costal elk hobble
--porpose slingshot
--supermodel seal make-over

If anyone ever runs across it, send warm greetings from Jude.

Sunday, April 24, 2005



The MADDOGS finally did it! We sneaked away for a roadtrip to Bodega Bay. It was cold, windy, and rainy--just our kind of weather.

The Crew hopped in The Nomad and took off Friday afternoon and no one we knew saw us until Sunday night. One day we just might vanish into thin air.


Saturday--Saw about 30 whales on their way to Alaska throughout the day. Posted by Hello


The beach. Posted by Hello


Crazy man on the beach. He was either an idiot OR from Minesota. Posted by Hello


Jude looking out to sea. Posted by Hello


Why we like the ocean. Posted by Hello


The bay part of Bodega Bay. Posted by Hello


While sitting quietly, a covey of quail scooted in and out of cover. This shows 2 in the foreground & 3 behind. There were several more in the covey but they were reluctant for a group photo. We also saw coastal elk (to dark to capture in photos) & jackrabbits (frozen in place by The Nomad's headlights). Posted by Hello


Saturday night's dinner. Cabbage-cucumber coleslaw & tomato couscous. YUM!!! Posted by Hello


Sunday--After breakfast, Jude hiked down to this rocky beach and meditated, cleared her mind, recommitted her life to writing--and worked on plots. For the 2 hours she was there, she was alone with the sound of the sea and the crashing waves. Posted by Hello


The road leading to Guerneville. Jude's never been to Germany, but in her imagination this is what the Black Forest must look like. And every time she's on this stretch of road, she craves Black Forest cake. Go figure! Posted by Hello


The Monte Rio Gnome standing outside the fantasy nursery where faries, gnomes and unicorns live in harmony with the flora. Posted by Hello


Close up. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005



Post by Jude: So here the great screenplay writing team of Crawford & Mayne are—we’ve just gotten through the killer-German Shepherd-action-chase scene and are ready to hand off the goods to Kerchner/Dorn when Jude has brain meltdown.

Now none of the New York City plot makes sense, and the more we try to fit it into place, the more out of place Sean becomes.

I’m on the verge of a three-aspirin headache and Louise says, “This is great! This is what I LOVE about writing. When something doesn’t work out, we get to figure out why and fix it.”

Thank goodness one of isn’t crazy. . .but can you tell which one?

Hint: Jude isn’t taking the fall for this one AND we're working overtime on Saturday.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Lazy Day. The Crew spent the morning trapsing up and down the Sacramento River. Everything was green, sunny, and tan-fan-dang-go! Posted by Hello


Sittin' on the banks of the river. Posted by Hello


Mallard. Posted by Hello


Great Blue Heron.
Double click to enlarge. Posted by Hello


A pelaton of motorcyclists RIPPED past us on the Yolo County side of the river. Spring has sprung! Posted by Hello


Pixie got this shot as The Crew drove across the Freeport drawbridge. Posted by Hello


Bait shop next to the Freeport Marina. Posted by Hello


Driving through the town of Freeport. Notice the motorcycles on the side of the street. Posted by Hello


Romeo's Bait Shop - a bit of nostalgia as LJ used to work here. Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005


SUNDAY--This may just be the last storm of winter passing through--or at least one of the last. Posted by Hello


We on The Crew do love storms and rainy days. Posted by Hello


Electricity went out about 6pm tonight. Then came the sirens. The Crew went looking and this is what we found--downed power pole and two cars at the corner of Meadowview and Amherst. (Remember to double-click on any photo to enlarge.)

News Coverage: One man is dead and at least two others are injured after a group of joyriders rolled their SUV and slammed into a pole in a south Sacramento neighborhood. Sacramento Police said a 1997 Chevy Tahoe carrying five men was speeding down the street when the driver lost control and rolled the vehicle.

On another note, get a load of those gas prices. Posted by Hello


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