THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Self-portrait of Jude.
Benjamin & Jude took a roadtrip this Saturday to Petaluma to attend a reptile show. Hilly countryside on Hwy. 80 going toward San Francisco.
Speed Demon at the wheel. GPS documented speed at this point: 94.8mph.
Self portrait. Get a load of Jude's newly streaked hair (thanks to Megan). Her face is hiding under the official roadtrip visor.
Going up the San Rafael Bridge.
View of marsh from the bridge.
Reptile show in Petaluma. Anyone for a snake boa?
Shy tranchula. . .
. . .comes out for a visit.
Bearded Dragon litter mates.
What is it? This is the structure Jude took to be a wind turbine (setting atop a garage) to generate electricity on Hwy. 101 just before Petaluma. Please realize that Jude MADE Benjamin drive up a private road onto private property that was posted NO TRESPASSING. Is Jude a MADDOG, or what?
Fisherman on the marsh.
On the way back to SacTown, we stopped to enjoy the marsh under the San Rafael Bridge.
Benjamin at the marsh.
So there on the marsh was this electrical tower. Can you guess what Jude wanted Benjamin to do?
Risking life & limb, Benjamin forged his way to the center of the tower to take this pic.
Look Who Jude Ran Into
Friday, Jude had a hair appointment with Adam’s (#4 child) girlfriend, Megan. Since Megan was at a new beauty shop, Jude went early to find the place (as you might recall, Jude does a great job at getting us lost).
Anyway, after finding the beauty shop, she took herself to Fresh Choice for lunch. And who should she run into but. . .Brian Ricks.
Billie, his mom, moved to LA. Since Louise & Jude are going there next month (to make some Hollywood connections), Billie invited us to stay with her. Which they will. So it must've been karma to run into Brian.
Travel Bug, Travel Bug Fly Away
After traveling from Seattle, down the coast of Washington, through Oregon and Northern California, Red Dice 2 (Travel Bug’s given name) met with the Govenator of the Golden State to discuss social programs, California’s budget woes, and funny accents. Now Red Dice 2 is off on another adventure to…who knows where.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Jude's Leg Update
Jude's leg is doing much better, no thanks to the doctors and their pills. About a week ago, she started doing Rodney Yee's AM Yoga vhs tape and the pain almost immediately went away. The legs still gets achey toward the end of the day, but is progressing nicely.The verdict: arthritis. The specialist suggested daily pain pills, like Alieve. But Jude's going to ignore that advice and take yoga.Now if Jude only would have discovered the cure while we were wandering, we might still be wandering. . .
California on the Horizon
The Crew made a decision, brought on by Jude's incessant nagging about her leg hurting, to cut our wandering short by a week so she could get to a doctor. Nevermind that she already saw a doctor in Seattle, she wanted to see her own doctor. So we wandered down the middle of Oregon in short order and soon saw California on the horizon.
When Mount Shasta looms this close, The Crew knows it is in California.
Northern Washington
After leaving Seattle, The Crew drove north to Edmonds, then took the ferry across the sound to Kingston. We came to a draw bridge & traffic was totally stopped, backedup, not going anywhere for miles. We were on the bridge. People were walking around, talking, trying to find out what was going on. There were rumors of a traffic accident or a submarine passing. Jude took a walk and saw nothing. So she cooked soup for lunch and read a book. After about an hour and a half, traffic started moving. We saw no signs of an accident or submarine.Much later in the day we came to Crescent Lake (pic above). Although the lake is much too big to get the crescent effect in a pic, take our word for it, it is a crescent. And very beautiful, with eagles flying, crisp air, and senic sights galore.We spend a day at La Push, one of Jude's favorite spots, camped in Forks, and stopped off at Ruby Beach for a day before we wandered on down the road.
The Crew's campsite at Promised Land
Several years ago we camped at a place that was so peaceful and beautiful, we wanted to come back to the same spot every time we wandered through Washington. But alas and alack, we could never discover the camp spot again (Read that as Jude got us lost). This year we vowed diligence and voila! We rediscovered it. Promised Land Campground is about 28 miles north of Aberdeen, WA on Hwy 101. It's primitive, but folks are welcome to stay free up to 5 days per month. Just in case you want to mosey there (and so Jude doesn't get us lost. Again!), the coordinates are: N 47 degrees 15.731' & W 123 degrees 55.314'.
The river at Promised Land is filled with trout, but there is absolutely no fishing or playing in the water, because this place is designated a natural spawning ground. But it is very nice to watch twilight come on while trout sip the river for bugs. The Crew loves camping here.
This is the amount of traffice we ran into on Labor Day while driving through the Rayonier National Forest. The Crew isn't sure if Jude's driving keeps others away or if we are just plain fortunate. Jude insists it is the latter.From Promised Land we wandered to Abeerden and night camped at Camp Wally (read Wal Mart's parking lot.)
The next night we camped at a rest stop. Jude and her sorry pinched nerve didn't get up until 8am the next day.
Final Days in Seattle
Eric & Donnie -- Holly's housemates. They were extremely nice, especially to The Crew. They let us stealth camp in front of their house for almost a week. Donnie even sent blueberry buckwheat pancakes out to Jude. Boy were they delicious! During the 2 weekends we were there, both Eric & Donnie went geocaching with Holly & Jude.
Look what we found in the Medicine Man cache site in Seattle! What is it, you ask. A TRAVEL BUG! And its name is Red Dice 2. It's goal is to travel the world and tell stories about where it's been. If you are a member of, look up the number and read the stories.
Holly, after a hard day of geocaching.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Bathroom on the Right
Artwork at Leftie's, where Jude ate a fine TVP vegetarian taco wrap.
Siri, the original anti-girl who was Jude's waitress and chat companion.
Another painting at Leftie's.
Writing on the bathroom wall.
No Alice, you're not in Wonderland. This is the bathroom ceiling.
One fine collage. . .
followed by another.
Look out! The cops have this place under surveillance.
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