THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Friday, November 18, 2005


Evening Alone

There's nothing like a quiet evening alone. Of course Jude's is sans pipe, newspaper and liquor, but with the addition of a video and a pain pill to quell the twinges in her knee and keep her boat rocking all night long.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Consumnes Wildlife Refuge

Jude went to a movie today. Derailed. It didn't get the best of reviews as they said the movie started out with a good premise, but it fell apart as the plot progressed. That said, Jude enjoyed the movie. Hmmmm. . . What kind of reviewer does that make her?

After that, The Crew went to the Consumes Wildlife Refuge and watched flocks of Sandhill Cranes fly in to winter over. They call back and forth from each side of the chevron. Jude thinks it's so they can maintain formation.

The telescope was put to use to watch swans, Canadian geese, greebes, ducks, avocets, and a variety of birds we didn't know the names of (and didn't take the time to look up in the field guide).

Then we got the treat of the day: Sunset. Started out in shades of pastel and ended in a blaze.

Moonrise at sunset.

Canadian geese.

Sandhill cranes.

Sunset finale on another wonderful day.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Bum Knee--Jude is feeling "Out of Sorts"

OK, so this is the deal. In 1997 the soap holder in the wall of the stickhouse shower came loose and fell out. So a piece of plastic was duct taped over the resulting hole in the wall, until it could be fixed. But shower water compromised the tape and the plastic slipped off while Jude was taking a shower.

And you get the picture. Jude slipped on the plastic and twisted her left knee in a way that it should never have twisted.

A rejection of surgery, several months in a knee brace, about a year & a half on a cane, and 8 years of carefully monitoring the climbing of stairs and mountains etc. -- and here we are. Jude's knee gave out and down she went for a ten count.

Now she's back in a brace, using a cane, and awaiting insurance approval for an MRI to assess the situation.

When we know the facts, well make a team decision as to the best solution for The Crew.

It's good to know Jude isn't in this mess alone.


November 6, 2005 ROADTRIP ALERT!

So as soon as the writers conference was over, Jude ran to Ben's house to pick up some ficus plants, stopped off at Staples to get business card paper, rushed to the stick house to print up business cards for Ben, and headed for San Jose and a reptile show. Robin & Ben worked a booth for Ben--Gibson Reptiles--on Saturday and Sunday, and Jude drove over Saturday evening to lend a hand on Sunday.

Any quesses what this is? You might be thinking, iguana--but would you be right?

And of course there were several varieties of s-s-s-s-nakes on hand (and necks and waists etc.).

Jude's favorite pick of the show was Siamese turtles. 2 heads, 4 front legs, 2 tails and two hind legs. And the price? A mere $500. By show's end, the breeder took them home once again.


November 5, 2005 Focus on Writers Conference

This is the location of this year's Writers Conference. In Jude's opinion, it was a great site--much better than an Sac State. Jude has worked on the conference for the last 5 years, and had great fun doing it. However, the time has come to move on, so she'll be giving her notice by the end of this year.


October 31, 2005 HALLOWEEN

Just after dark, who should come to call but Dragon Mason. . .

. . .and Gladiator Lucas!

The Gibson men--what a handsome trio.

And yes, they did get candy--lots of it.


October 27th & 28th HOLLYWOOD ROADTRIP

Traveling I-5 on the way to Hollywood. And not just any Hollywood Road Trip, but an opportunity for Crawford&Mayne to pitch one of their screenplays.

Louise's smile says it all, "Crawford&Mayne DID IT!" They will be going back to Hollywood in December to pitch OUTSIDE THE LINES. Watch for it in the theater!!! Woo-woo!

Billie Ricks (above), her husband Ron (below), and son Steven (down under), Jude's friends that wandered down the road from Sacramento to LA. They were nice enough to let Louise & Jude spend the night and pitch a movie over dinner. "Thanks to you for your hospitality."


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