THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Happy Halloween To All

It's that season when the grandkids transform. This year Lucas is Spiderman and Mason is Batman. Next year there will be another "man" so to speak. In reality the sex -- boy or girl -- is unknown, but Katie & Ben are having their third baby.

Sunday, October 29, 2006



(neon in Isleton)

Jude's youngest baby-not is 19. Her oldest baby-not is 33. As anyone can plainly see (including her), her babies really are baby-nots. Over the past decades she's perfected the art of picking-up/cleaning-up/fixing-up/doing-up/cooking-up/patching-up whatever. But now all the baby-nots are out of the nest (isn't Jude a good mother bird?). And things are a ch-ch-changing.

It's Cha-cha time.

Out came all the stuff in the Nomad, back bench seat included, then out came the saw. Jude proceeded to cut a hole in the Nomad. A big one. After living with the hole (a cutout above the rear wheel well on the driver side) a couple of weeks, we arranged our stuff in different places. The kitchen slid into the cutout and over the wheel well, the rest went in the rear, where the behind the bench seat storage used to be.

Then Jude got busy and built a sleeping platform (reinforced with metal braces) behind the front seats with wood she scrounged from other projects. It's wide enough, and long enough (remember Jude is short) for comfortable, cozy sleeping. Below is the sleeping platform (drawers underneath) sans memory-foam mattress (which is a dream to sleep on).

No longer is the Nomad a passenger van/campervan! The Nomad is now strictly a CAMPERVAN. Driver's seat & passenger/storage seat in front--camping cabin in back! Jude can no longer haul people or large objects anywhere. SHE CAN ONLY HAVE FUN! At last Jude has proved herself to be a true MADDOG!

Saturday, October 28, 2006



Well this is the deal. The MADDOGS have been having fun-fun-fun, and no, our daddy didn't take our stringray away. We've made some changes to the Nomad, been to South Lake Tahoe with Robin and Ammo (her pup), Locke with Louise, Isleton, Rio Vista for the annual Bass Festival & Biggest Bass Contest, and up and down both sides of the river, including the ferry.

What we haven't done is blog-blog-blogging. And that calls for a Jude flog-flog-flogging.


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