THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc.
Last night's sunset from atop a bridge that crosses I-5 just before Freeport--also the closed access to Stone Lake Wildlife Refuge. When I-5 was constructed, a Big Bucks bridge was built so the farmer who's land was on the other side could have access. The Crew lingers over many a sunset on this bridge--that is if we aren't run off by an unsympathetic cop who insists that we can't park on a bridge that is rarely used. To be fair, we've only been run off twice. The other two or three times when we explain what we are doing there, the officer tells us to have a nice day. Most times, no one notices us and no one bothers us.
Last 4th of July we were joined by about 5 other cars to watch the fireworks. But we on The Crew think that sunsets are better than fireworks. What's your vote? Sunset reflections on The Nomad.
Went to Foreign Coin geocaching site off Pocket Road. The Nomad stopped pretty close to the coordinates, and while Jude was gearing up. . .this squirrel charged in front of us, hauling an orange in its teeth. The orange was way bigger than the squirrel's head and, we're sure, weighted more than the whole squirrel put together. Squirrely didn't loose speed as it leaped for the closest tree trunk, lugging the orange as if it were gold. Once situated, it hunkered down on a tree limb and had a bounteous orange feast.
The Squirley sighting made our geocaching adventure superb. There are many things we wouldn't see or experience if we weren't out there geocaching. How fortunate we are.
Recent outing to the Aerospace MuseumA personal airplane for Rude Jude -- can she fly, or what?
Inside of a rocket engine.
The traveling DaVinci Experience was also on display at the museum (which was the original reason we went there).
Set of pulleys -- looks rather dinasaour-ish to us (and Croc should know).
Hanging pendulum in a belljar. Now all we need is the pit--oh wait, that's a different story.
Some reproductions of painting were also on display. This is the angel in Madonna of the Rocks.
Mia Paige Gibson arrived Sunday July 29, 2007 (right on her due date) at 5:08 am --the Crack O' Dawn-- 7 lbs 11 oz 19 in long
Needless to say, things are different at the stickhouse.