THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Sunday, October 31, 2004

SUNDAY--Went off daylight savings time during the night. Jude woke feeling like it was a new season. Had an extra hour's sleep , it was cold this morning (and Jude made us clean the Nomad so we got a good taste of the temperature), the air smelled different, and the season just felt different.

We were going to hit the road, but then Adam (22 year old baby-not) had brake light problems on his car. They wouldn't go off whether his foot was on them or not OR whether or the car was running or not. The only way he could get them off was to remove the fuse, and then the automatic door locks wouldn't work so he couldn't lock the car. So Jude spent a goodly part of the day with him, figuring out the problem (the brake switch had gotten jammed when he put on the don't-steal-my-car brake lock), finding an auto parts store that had the part, and giving him moral support while he got the jammed part out and installed the new replacement.

By this time the day was pretty well spent, so we rented Lady Killers (good movie) and had our own party in the Nomad. Intermission was hightailing it back to the stick house to take some photos of Heather baby-not in her halloween costume.

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