THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Monday, February 13, 2006



Yesterday after screenplay writing, The Crew picked up Jude's oldest son -- LJ -- and we went fishing down the Sacramento River, just short of Hood. Jude dropped LJ, the fishing equipment, and firewood off at the Pump, then parked The Nomad about a quarter mile away (NOT SO FAR) in a place where the road widens. Then she hoofed it (knee brace included) to the fishing spot. Of course, LJ already had the rod baited with ghost shrimp and in the water. The plan was to catch a 5-6ft sturgeon and wrestle it to shore Crocodile Dundee style.

Jude hobbled down the bank and LJ built a fire, using Boy Scout water. After 3 hours of watching the river by the light of an almost full moon, listening to hoot owls, screech owls, and sturgeon jump and slap the water, Jude decided to turn in because she had to get Robin baby-not to school in the morning. So she climbed the bank and started back to The Nomad.

After about 10 yards, she heard a coyote howl. Then a second one. A third. An entire symphony. The sound was beautiful, but also SCARY because the coyotes were following Jude, angling toward her.

She tried not to be afraid because:
1. Her knee was sore and she could only walk so fast.
2. They wouldn't attack a human. Right?
3. They're like dogs.
4. Wild dogs.
5. Wild dogs with teeth that can chew through bones.
6. Her bones.

OK, Jude's getting afraid.
A quarter mile IS A LONG WAY!
She gets out her only weapon. Pepper spray.
And keeps going.
Don't look. Don't look.
Look. Look.
The keys are out. The keys are ready.
And into The Nomad.

The coyotes pass by The Nomad, and a while later, we hear a cow moo-ing. Then moo-ing frantically. Then nothing. We come to our own conclusions.

Jude crawls into the bed in the back of The Nomad. LJ comes a-knocking at 3am. He'd watched Jude, all the way to The Nomad and was aware of the coyotes following. If they would've gotten too close, he would've done some coyote wrestling.

We on The Crew are thinking Jude should buy some Bear Spray. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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