THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Friday, April 14, 2006


Just for Jude

Post by Jude--

I don't know how it got to be today, when the last time I looked at the clock it was yesterday. Go figure.

Yesterday was my first visit to the physical therapist after knee surgery. Now my knee is a little too sore to sleep. I guess it needs more exercise, which I will give it after I finally get to sleep, then get up.

On to the next topic:
I really like the photographs of Nan Goldin.( While recuperating, I spent a week looking at her book I'LL BE YOUR MIRROR. The more I looked, the more I liked her photographs. I think they are full of emotion. They make me feel.

So all this looking and liking has led me to the decision to take some pics just to please myself. I'm not setting out to be a photographer, just to try and see a more intimate side to the subject in my pics. Hopefully with time and practice and patience I might improve a little.

With that said, here are my first attempts--photos I took because I liked them.

Feel free to give criticism, should it bubble out of you. I won't get my feelings hurt--I'm a writer.


Adam & Megan






David & Heather

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


The Knee Has It

Follow-up with the surgeon today.

The result:
1. Meniscus was torn, and the Doc smoothed it out
2. ACL was snapped in two (meaning Jude has no ACL)
3. Slight amount of arthritis on one edge of bone
4. The rest of the knee looked great

The verdict:
1. More physical therapy
2. Strengthen the knee
3. When knee recovers from this surgery (Aug-Sept). . .
4. The Doc will evaluate for more surgery and a repair with cadaver parts

All in all, Jude feels pretty good about this. It for sure sounds a lot better than a knee replacement.

The Crew intends on making Jude hike all summer to help with the rehabilitation. Whoo-hoo

Monday, April 10, 2006


Houston, we have LIFT OFF!

Yesterday (Sunday) Jude escaped the stickhouse (add applause here) and went for a long drive along the Garden Highway to see just how high the Sacramento River had gotten. As the road wound with the river, she got to thinking it might be possible to wander all the way to Redding on this road. The Crew's next assignment will definately be to check out the maps. Afterall, the Sundial Bridge ( is in Redding.

Croc says, "I smell a MADDOG roadtrip! YUM!"


Make-shift sidewalk. Posted by Picasa


Driveway out of sight & propane tank on the way. Posted by Picasa


Trapped for the duration. The driveway leads around the back of the house, through a DIP, then up to the road. No way out for this poor baby. Posted by Picasa


Castles aren't the only ones with moats. Posted by Picasa


No wonder they're parking on the street. Posted by Picasa


House with a 360 degree river view.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Things to Do When You're on Drugs

Post by Jude (who is all drugged up)

1. Reenact the shootout of the OK Corral 50 times a night in your dreams
2. Phone your daughter once a day and insist you'll die if you she doesn't bring home cinnamon bears
3. Listen to the rain and wish you were out in it
4. Watch TV until you realize the commercials take up more time than the programs & the programs are crap anyway
5. Look at the crutches and think about how far away the bathroom is and decide to go all day without peeing
6. Hobble to the bathroom in a hurry because you can't hold your pee any longer
7. Put on a new nightgown and feel like you're the Queen of Cleanliness
8. Read a page in a book, then realize you don't have a clue what it said
9. Figure out ways to sleep on your right side, left side, back, and stomach--all the while keeping your knee elevated higher than your heart
10. Take pics of the most interesting thing in the room--your knee--then try to decide which is most suitable for framing

Yes, this is it. Jude had minor knee surgery to try and help her bum knee. Hopefully it will work and she won't need another operation. In any event, The Crew will make her hike all summer.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Charleston Anyone? It's the Cat's Meow!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Here's to Friends in San Diego

This pic came about because Jude thought Lisa said, "Take a photo of my ass!" (In reality she said, "Are you taking a photo of my ass?") Then when Lisa's ass got in position, everyone else's ass wanted in.
From L to R: Lisa, Kathy, Bre, Louise, and Barb

Barb & Bre

Barb was nice enough to open her home, heart and friends to us. She even invited us back! Man-o-man, are we going to have fun.

Bre, a sometimes extra on Veronica Mars.

Lisa, the location finder on Veronica Mars. BTW, she passed the test. Not only did she know where the Dulzura Cafe was, but she'd been there AND knew how to pronounce Otay!

Louise in the sunshine.


Barb & Louise, friends since college.


(below) Laura & Louise

LaLaura & LouiseuLauraCaroLaural & LouiseLaLaura


O.K. so Jude's a SLACKER. . .

. . .a shirker, malingerer, skulker, goof-off, boondoggler, procrastinator, dallier, lay-about, loafer, avoider, funker, dodger, and deadbeat! (We would've made her alphabetize all those accuracies, but. . .well, you know.)

Here we go back to February and Louise & Jude's LA trip--where their meeting with Ms. Sanchez didn't materialize, but they will still get a meeting in the future.

Under the LA skies.


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