THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Friday, June 02, 2006


Book Signing minus the Signing

Yesterday Benjamin and Jude went to a book signing at Borders. Lee Child (of the Jack Reacher series) was the author or honor. Jude sat with the crowd and Ben read magazines. Afterward when Jude couldn't find Ben, she sat in a chair (that's like hugging a tree when a hiker is lost--so they don't get more lost) and read until Ben found her.

Jude did NOT succumb to a purchase. Her theory is less stuff = more freedom. And freedom is what she's after. Jude gets her books from the library, and if she's really desperate, she goes to Borders and reads the new releases there. She sometimes buys from a used bookstore, reads them, then sells them back.

Many years ago, she packed up most of her books and donated them to the library, figuring if she really missed a book, she could always check it out. Truth is, the only book she missed was Laurel's Kitchen, which she did check out a few times.

On that note, she divided up the family photos, made albums and gave them to the baby-nots last X-mas. And she also switched from paper journals to blogs. Stores photos on the blog (no hard copies). Stopped all magazine subscriptions. Refuses to buy magazines. Tells the baby-nots she only wants consumable gifts (like printer paper, toner, natural soaps & toothpaste, sunscreen etc.) The more stuff she gets rid of, the freer she is. Woo-woo. One day she may spout wings and fly away.

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