THE ADVENTURE CREW: Master, The Nomad, Sweet Bird of Freedom (aka Freeta Roam), Pixie & Pod, Miss Cycle, Ivan the writing muse, Jude, and the brains of the crew--Croc. DOUBLE-CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE

Thursday, October 18, 2007



The Crew used the 2nd Day Pass today -- which means we got in for only an additional $6. Is that a deal or what?

Galapagos turtles mating. We wish you could hear the sounds the male made. As a turtle, he took his time. He took a long time. In fact, he took so much time the female fell asleep.

We wandered (as we do best) at our leisure, just seeing what we saw and spending time where ever our facy caught us. Rode the sky tram repeatedly. Took the tour bus. Ate lunch with the hippos -- who were in the jacuzzi as their pond was being filtered.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Who's the WILD One?

The Crew made it to the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park. The day started out gray and drizzley (which The Crew loves) but by afternoon most of the clouds bleached out to white. The park is set up to let the animals roam naturally (well as natural as can be within fences & keeping aggressive animals out of reach from their prey). There were very few people, and mostly it was like having the place all to ourselves.

Oh where, oh where has the grounds keeper gone? It seems his vehicle has been hijacked so the lions can do a little sightseeing of their own.

Looks like Jude has made a new friend. Perhaps he wants to join The Crew.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007



All right all ready, Jude is having Blogger trouble uploading the pics of the air tram ride -- so, to heck with it. Take our word, Jude did ride the air tram right after the bus tour of the zoo. Then it was on to the Polar Bears. Those of you who know Jude, know she dreams of being eaten by a bear (usually a grizzly, but sometimes a polar bear). So here she is face to face with the bears of her dreams (not nightmares--just very powerful dreams).

Since croc insisted on buying a two-day pass, The Crew will return to the zoo on Thursday. And most likely spend the better part of our time watching the polar bears, then the hippos.

Monday, October 15, 2007



In another lifetime (Jude sure seems to have a lot of those), Jude lived in San Diego. We thought this trip to San Diego would bring back memories--but boy were we wrong! Jude has NO memories of this place. It is sooooo different it is like being in a place she has never been before. So now all her memories will be new ones.

The San Diego Coronado Bridge (from the Coronado side).

We stopped at the library to buy some on-line tickets for the zoo and the wild animal park (yes Dan, The Crew took your advice on that one), and look at the treasures we found. Two 1938 fresco murals of the Mexican painter and art teacher, Alfredo Ramos Martinez. Both murals were commissioned for the La Avenida Cafe (a now closed restaurant in Coronado) and now find their home in the Coronado Library. The above work--Canasta de Flores--was found under layers of wall paper and had to be restored.

The "El Dia del Mercado"

After our successful ticket purchase, it was on to the Hotel del Coronado. Built in the 1800s, it's elaborate style still stands out. Anyone in the mood for a movie? The Crew recommends "Somewhere in Time"--filmed in this hotel. or not -- as film student Dave pointed out in his comment.



Well, it turns out that accident in Santa Clarita happened the day BEFORE we thought it happened--but we still took the detour and were still fortunate. Insteading of being on I-5, we were on the 408 and drove by the Getty Center in LA. Needless to say, we stopped. And how fortunate we were--as you can see below.

Saturday, October 13, 2007



After a false start (forgot the maps) The Crew made a getaway. This time south to San Diego. Soft sunset that was still spectactular and much appreciated.
A few hours later, we read the highway warnings: I-5 closed beause of a multi-big rig pileup in Santa Clarita. Since the Nomad's radio hasn't been working for some time now, we weren't able to get all the details. We detoured from I-5 east to Palmdale and will figure out how to get to San Diego in the morning.

Above is a web pic of the accident. People were injured and some died. All in all, we're thinking our false start was fortunate.


Desolation Nevada Chainsaw Massacre

So on the way back to SacTown, we see a sight of something, and decide to turn around for a look-see.  At first glance the sign above appears legit...but on closer inspection....  We may be in some kind of whacko trouble.
The gate creaks open...and we enter.  The place is deserted--as was the dirt road we took to get there.  Wouldn't a state historic site have a somewhat paved road at least?  This place is really, really out of a horror movie.

Everything here has been salvaged from the desert, where it was left to rot by some white man.  It feels like we are in the middle of some chainsaw massacre -- not a set, but the real deal.

Jude says to Holly, "If anyone comes out of those two travel trailers (with high chain link fences around them) over there, you take the keys and the baby and run."

Jude removes the pepper spray from the keys and hands the keys and her cell phone over.  "Don't stop.  Don't look back.  Just get out of here.  I'll put myself between you and the gun and fight them, while you get away."
Holly protests, "I can't leave you here."

"Oh yes, you can.  And you will.  Get to someplace where there's cell service and call 911.  But you and the baby get out."

"But I can't leave you, mom."

"Oh yes you can.  I can't run fast with my bum leg.  I'll hold them off.  You and the baby get out of here.  Look over my shoulder.  Do you see that?  It's a person!"

"No, I don't think so, mom.  I think it's a statue."

Upon closer inspection, we see it is indeed a statue.

But it's way too easy to imagine eyes looking out of the pieced-together house OR peeking from one of the trailers.
Then Jude sees a PVC pipe jutting from the ground and thinks, "This is the air hole for the captured people.  They'll put us in an underground room, until they're ready to kill us."  Then to Holly, "Get ready to run."

As we look inside the room with bottle windows, Jude checks behind the door--just in case--before letting Holly and the baby see in.

Jude is ever so grateful to escape with all of our lives.

Sunset somewhere in Nevada--far away from the Desolation Nevada Chainsaw Massacre.


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